Friday 8 May 2009

The F. conspiracy - Thanks Nico! (and Connor)

Since he was born Jim had always hated fish. He hated the way they looked, smelled and tasted. He thought fish shouldn’t be here, he thought that the fish were up to something. Everyone thought he was just being silly, but he had thought how fish could take over the world.


First he thought the fish were silly being caught by fisherman, but then he thought that the fish that got caught were fake they were just testing the humans to see how strong they were.

They wouldn’t be able to breath on the surface. AND then it came to him! Aquariums. The fish would break the glass in every aquarium in the world. This would flood a lot but not enough. So the fish would put tsunami generators and explosives near the coasts all over the world. When the signal was sent, the glass would break and the bombs would go off with the tsunamis to help them cover more distance. The majority of humans would drown and a lot of the land would be water thus allowing the fish to breath on land so to speak.

While the fish were plotting, the humans would be none the wiser except for Jim. He’d tried to warn the authorities, but his parents would tell them he was just making up rubbish.

Today Jim decided to check his local aquarium for glass cutters or pieces of equipment that could be used to shatter glass. When he arrived everything was normal. He had been here so many times and not found anything. So he just decided to give it up, it wasn’t going to happen. He turned round and headed for the door.

Then the glass cracked.


1 comment:

  1. oh, how... imaginative?
    I think someone's slightly paranoid. Mind u, conner's a celtic fan so no surprise there.
    Try this for a conspiracy- UEFA don't want another all-english final, especially if it's a re-run of last years. Plus, barca-man u may mean more viewrs, but hey can't be seen as corrupt so they decide to appoint a diddy who'll take the heat.
